PointMan is Designed to Improve the Management of Critical Infrastructure Assets on Campus 

Not knowing the location of buried utilities is a major concern for any University.  Many Universities and colleges were built nearly a century ago or more.  Far too often, buried utilities were not mapped or are not where existing records indicate they are. The result can be line strikes that lead to serious injuries, significant delays, and a dramatic increase in project costs. It is also a major risk and liability to the students and faculty members.
PointMan® significantly reduces risks and liabilities associated with not knowing the location of buried utilities. PointMan is designed to capture, record, and display the precise location of assets including buried utilities.
"Grinnell College is located on 120 acres with miles of buried telecom infrastructure critical to operations. To protect and maintain our expanding and valued buried infrastructure, we realized the need for precise maps and accurate locates. We selected ProStar’s PointMan platform from our search for a GIS mapping platform that was easy to adopt, met our precision requirements for reference and locating needs, and flexibility for future GIS needs,” said David Ellis, Director of Network Services, Grinnell College.